In-Situ Resuscitation Simulation

This can be announce or unannounced emergency drills. The team will visit your site and carry out a re creation of a medical emergency, staff is expected to respond within the scope and competency of their role.

Through a variety of custom made scenarios we will create a hands on emergency simulation, using local equipment and local escalation protocols to mimic a real event. The simulation is followed by a comprehensive debrief used to reflect and to identify ways of improving performance in a real emergency. This provides the opportunity to practice emergencies in a safe environment as well as an independent view from experts of the emergency procedures in place.

The Safe Steps UK team will produce a full scenario report with details of specific interventions performed during the drill, how those met the most recent evidence and any recommendation for improvements.

All resuscitation course instructors are resuscitation council UK instructors.




4 hours

Price p/ Person:

Please contact us.,


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